Revised: Sept. 30, 2023

Privacy Statement

Temple University cherishes the diversity of values and perspectives inherent in an academic institution and is therefore respectful of intellectual freedom and freedom of expression. At times, however, legitimate reasons exist for persons other than the account holder to access computers, 与使用大学网络有关的电子文件或数据, 包括但不限于:确保持续保密, integrity and availability of university systems and operations; securing user and system data; ensuring lawful and authorized use of university systems; providing appropriately de-identified data for institutionally approved research projects; and responding to valid legal requests or demands for access to university systems and records. This statement seeks to balance individual freedom and privacy with the need for access by persons other than the account holder when necessary to serve or protect other core values and operations within the university or to meet a legal requirement.

本隐私声明适用于PG电子试玩平台的域名(0662hao.com), websites,  应用系统及资讯科技服务, 管理和解释天普的数据收集和使用. Information collected by Temple University will be used only as outlined in this privacy statement. 使用本网站即表示您同意本声明中所述的数据惯例. PG电子试玩平台关于摄像机和视频成像系统数据的政策可以找到 here (PDF),以及有关电邮资料及保留的政策 here (PDF).

Other units, colleges and campuses at the university may collect and use information in diverse ways. Therefore, 在访问和使用其他大学网站和应用程序时, 查看所访问网站的隐私通知. Temple University is not responsible for the content of other websites or for the privacy practices of websites outside the scope of this notice.

No data transmission over the internet or website can be guaranteed to be secure from intrusion. However, 我们保持商业上合理的物理, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your personal information in accordance with data protection legislative requirements.

Information Gathering


  1. 用户访问PG电子试玩平台网站时匿名收集的信息.
  2. 用户为接收所要求的信息和/或服务而提供的信息.


大学可能会收集用户如何访问和使用其网站的信息, 网络及相关资源. The information collected on university sites or from use of university systems may include the computer address used, the internet domain, 用户来自或访问的网站, measurements of use, types of content used, and other details. 这些数据用于网站和网络管理, 改善网站内容, 改善用户体验(包括引导用户访问特定类型的内容), 为了安全起见. cookie和类似技术可用于方便本网站的导航.


当你浏览大学网站时, the web server automatically collects certain technical information from your computer or device and about your connection (see list below). PG电子试玩平台仅将这些信息用于内部用途, such as to see what pages are most frequently visited as well as what applications and functions are utilized to improve our sites and application support. Additionally, PG电子试玩平台使用谷歌的通用分析, a web metrics service, 在用户访问时自动收集信息. 有关通用分析的更多信息,请参见 谷歌的隐私政策.


  • 您访问我们网站的域名
  • 互联网协议(IP)地址
  • 互联网服务提供商
  • 汇总所访问页面的信息
  • The referring website
  • 访问的日期和时间
  • The duration of visit
  • Your browser types
  • Your screen resolution
  • Operating system
  • 谷歌Analytics收集的汇总信息
  • 通过TUportal访问和利用应用程序 


Temple University is a multinational organization and has legitimate business needs for processing personal information identified within this privacy statement. 这所大学没有收集数据的服务, 在中国境内存储和处理信息. 我们在中国境外提供您的个人信息之前, we will meet the applicable requirements of laws and regulations of China on cross-border transfer of personal information and will require affiliates to protect your personal information at the levels not lower than those required by applicable laws and regulations of China.


We may ask you to provide information voluntarily (through forms or other manual input) to make products and services available to you, 维护和管理我们与您的关系, 为您提供相关服务, 或者更好地理解和满足你的需求. 如果您继续与我们保持关系,这些信息将被保留. 您是自愿提供这些信息的. However, not providing the requested information (or subsequently asking that the data be removed) may affect our ability to deliver the products or service for which the information is needed. 提供所要求的信息表示您同意收集, 如本声明所述,使用和披露此信息. Information we may actively collect could include information volunteered by the visitor, such as interests, preferences, 调查信息和/或场地注册. This information could be used to customize the content of our site specific to your inquiries. 

  • 那些通过电子邮件与我们沟通的人的电子邮件地址
  • 那些谁张贴到我们的聊天区域的电子邮件地址
  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • 参观者自愿提供的信息, such as preferences, 调查信息和/或场地注册

Information Usage


  • Internal review
  • 内容和/或页面布局自定义
  • 我们用于联系访客以进行市场推广


If you supply us with your postal/mailing address you may receive periodic mailings from us with information on new products and services or upcoming events.

If you do not want to receive such mailings or would like to be added to our “do not share” list, 请通过以下地址发送电子邮件通知我们.

Information Sharing

We may share aggregate, non-personally identifiable information with other entities or organizations. We do not share any personally identifiable information (PII) with other entities or organizations, 除非法律要求这样做, 应政府调查部门的要求, to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our website and applicable laws, 或防止滥用或未经授权使用我们的网站.

Use of Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. 它使网站能够记住你的行为和偏好随着时间的推移, so you do not have to keep reentering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

为本隐私声明之目的, a cookie may also refer to an anonymous identifier (a random string of characters that is used for the same purposes as a cookie on certain platforms, (包括某些移动设备),当cookie技术不可用时.

To customize the information and services offered to you, Temple’s site uses cookies to

  • customize web page content based on visitors’ browser type or other information that the visitor, or their browser, sends;
  • 记录Google Universal Analytics收集的汇总信息;
  • 允许用户对文章进行评论;
  • 显示TUalert消息;
  • 提供特定的“喜欢”或“分享”按钮;
  • enable logging in to certain sites, including completing the process of applying to Temple; and
  • anonymously gather statistics on our news content on how you got there and what stories you viewed.

如果你不想收到饼干, 您可以将浏览器配置为根本不接受它们, 或者在接受新的cookie之前通知并要求批准. Some webpages/sites may not function properly if the cookies are turned off or you may have to provide the same information each time you visit those pages.

符合《PG电子试玩平台》, individuals within the EU will automatically receive a notification as you enter a site, 请求同意获取这些cookie数据. 如果你后来撤回你的同意, 使用您的浏览器设置来查看和删除邓波儿网站上存储的cookies. 

Learn more by visiting 0662hao.com/cookies-policy.


PG电子试玩平台网站使用第三方网站(如.g., Google Analytics, Facebook和X)来帮助增强功能, provide a robust and personalized user experience and analyze how users use the sites. The third-party tools typically utilize cookies but may also use pixel gifs or beacons. Cookies, pixel tags and beacons are used to obtain information about the device being used to view a webpage, 包括在网站上花费的时间, 用户的操作系统和浏览器类型, demographic data, 类似的信息. The information generated via these cookies about your use of Temple University websites is transmitted to these third-party tools. This information is then used to evaluate visitors’ use of the websites and to compile statistical reports on activity from our websites.

We may use Google Analytics to aggregate and track non-identifiable visitor information for the following business purposes: remarketing across devices with Google Analytics, 谷歌显示网络印象报告, 双击(谷歌广告), Google Analytics人口统计, 谷歌分析广告功能和兴趣报告.

如果您想退出谷歌分析跟踪, 谷歌已经为大多数浏览器提供了一个插件来实现这个功能. 了解有关插件如何工作以及如何安装它的更多信息. Google Analytics also provides you with the ability to modify and delete the information that Google tracks for remarketing purposes by visiting 谷歌的广告设置页面. 您还可以禁用该页面上的任何人口统计数据的收集. Also, you can modify and delete the information that Google tracks for remarketing purposes by visiting 谷歌的广告设置页面. You also have the option of disabling collection of any demographic data on that page.

In addition, Temple University websites may contain links and integrate with other websites and applications owned by third parties as a convenience to the user. These websites and applications operate independently of Temple University and have their own privacy policies. Some cookies also can carry all or parts of the information stored within the file generated on Temple’s website to other websites that the user may visit or to third parties. If a user decides to use these third-party links, they will leave the Temple University websites. Temple University is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such third-party websites and does not make any representations or endorsements about them. 如果用户决定离开坦普尔的网站并访问任何第三方网站, 风险由用户自行承担. 


除了与其他适当的大学人员分享你的信息, 确保业务单位和签约合作伙伴的质量, 我们网站的功能和安全性, 或管理您与我们的关系, we will not disclose personally identifiable information about your use of the site except under the following circumstances.

  • 在您事先书面(包括电子邮件)同意的情况下
  • When we have given you clear notice, we will disclose the information you voluntarily provide
  • 与合适的外部机构合作, 比如执法机构, 对涉嫌违反法律或学校政策的行为进行调查和处理. 任何此类披露都应遵守所有适用的法律和大学政策.

Children and Privacy

PG电子试玩平台关注保护儿童/未成年人的隐私. 儿童/未成年人是18岁以下的任何人. However, this excludes enrolled university students under the age of 18; these students are subject to all applicable university policies, 包括学生行为准则.

作为一所非营利性高等教育机构, we operate under the assumption that all visitors to our websites are over the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children who visit our website. 如果来访者是儿童(即13岁以下的个人), 根据《PG电子试玩平台》的定义)发送电子邮件给 privacy@0662hao.com, we only will use it to respond to the writer and not to create profiles or otherwise retain the information.

这所大学确实提供青年项目, including programs that utilize online software programs and third-party applications, 在某些情况下, 需要收集和使用家长的个人信息, 监护人或参与者为提供, operating, 改进和推广项目. 在这些程序的注册期间, Temple will provide notice to and obtain the consent of the parents or guardians of the student regarding any additional information collection practices specific to the online program. 收集的任何信息仅用于提供该计划, 不得用于第三方服务的广告或其他商业目的.


由于信息技术的快速发展, 通过因特网传输数据不可能是完全安全的. 虽然我们致力于保护访问者的隐私, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to university websites and applications, 这样做的风险自负. However, 一旦我们收到您的信息, we use reasonable safeguards consistent with prevailing industry standards and commensurate with the sensitivity of the data being stored to maintain the security of that information on our systems.

In addition, 我们遵守所有适用的联邦法律, 有关信息隐私和安全的州和地方法律. We have appropriate security measures in place in our physical facilities to protect against the loss, 滥用或篡改收集到的信息.


Students should not be required to physically turn their computers or webcams to conduct visual scans of their surroundings when taking proctored exams online. The discontinuation of the practice of room scanning at Temple University will improve the student experience during virtual assessments. As a university, 我们力求所有课程的学术诚信, and have offered artificial intelligence (AI) proctoring software to support this goal. 监考仍然是促进学术诚信的一种工具, faculty members should carefully consider the necessity of using the software before implementing it in their courses and review other options to improve assessments.


如果你认为我们掌握的关于你的信息是不正确的, 欢迎您与我们联系,以便我们更新并保持您的数据准确. Any data no longer needed for the purposes specified in this notification will be deleted. For privacy reasons, you have the right to ask for certain personal information relating to you to be removed. Please direct all requests to the chief privacy officer or data processing officer via email at privacy@0662hao.com.


大学的政策使其能够有效和适当地运作. By using this website, 大学网络或相关资源(大学系统), you agree to abide by 任何适用的大学政策.


Please be aware that the university has various legal and regulatory obligations to disclose many types of information, 以及这样做的操作原因. 除非受到特别保护(e).g., 受ferpa保护的学生信息, 受hipaa保护的健康信息), the university may disclose information obtained through your use of university systems for university business purposes in accordance with governing law.


因为互联网技术持续快速发展, PG电子试玩平台可能会在未来对这一通知做出适当的修改. 任何此类更改都将符合我们尊重隐私的承诺. 本隐私声明将根据需要进行更新.

Contact Information

If you have questions or concerns about university sites or on the use of university systems as they apply to this privacy statement—or if you have general questions or concerns about privacy or information technology policy at the university, 请通过电子邮件与首席隐私官联系 privacy@0662hao.com.